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Pregnant Figure

Date & Location

May 5, 2024

Kyiv, Ukraine


Pregnant figure made of epoxy resin with sleeves inside.


During our again life-in-exile, with hearts full of fear and anger, waiting every second for the news of the end of the war, hoping to return to our own home again, hoping to never hear about the death of our beloved, and believing in life and future anyways... we wish to install at every place around the Globe a 'Pregnant Figure' from the future series 'After death comes Life'. A sculpture of a pregnant female body [Cast from pregnant artist’s body made 5 months before full-scale invasion by russia into Ukraine] under the skin of which are shells from the bullets from the war zone and flowers.

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Figure produced during March-May 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine

MK+OV Studio [Maria Kulikovska + Oleh Vinnichenko]

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