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During one of the protest action the Ukrainian artist David Chichkan was detained by the police. At the police station Chichkan found the empty forms for the medico-legal expert examinations from the Soviet period. Later they got to Maria Kulikovska as a result of exchange among artists.

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«I've not been able to take up these forms. At the time of lock down in 2020 my emotional condition deteriorated, my physical state too. Partial exemption was not only the desire, but actually the necessity. I started painting my pain and fear on these forms with the believing it helps me in my well-being. On the forms, which were intended to fix the conclusions of death, I recorded the condition of my own body. It made me feel better».

The fragile shapes of paint of the paintings on the forms for forensic medical examination, their painful and intuitive contours are the transformation of Kulikovska's fear and physical state to the art form, so hard elusive and so necessary. The series of watercolor paintings on the A3 size forms for forensic medical examination was started by Maria Kulikovska in 2020 year and is still continuing.

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